Search Engine Friendly Design

Search Engine Friendly Design

If you're thinking about the possibility of having a site created for your company or ways to improve your website's performance by using the search engines , you'll frequently hear and see buzzwords "Search engine friendly". The process of creating a search engine-friendly website includes two major components:
1. Design of websites that are search engine friendly.
2. SEO for Search Engines.

A third aspect, should you be developing a dynamic site (a site that is based on databases e.g. an eCommerce website) Then you should take into consideration search engine friendly website development as well.

In this article, we're going to focus on search engine friendly designs.

What is Search Engine Friendly?

Generallyspeaking, search engine friendly is having a website that is built to be a site the search engines can visit in order to learn more about your site and then incorporate it into their index.

This doesn't mean that you should create your website solely to please search engines. The Websites we designed are basically to cater the needs of customers and then implement different types of strategies.

There are many ways to make search engine friendly designs.

Search Engine Friendly Website Design

When talking about the layout of your website with the designer there are some things to consider when trying when designing an engine-friendly site design:

• Images, Javascript and Flash

Search engines are unable to read (read) images either in javascript or Flash as of the moment of writing. So, any important information must be embedded into the webpage.

• Crawlability

A search engine bot performs what's known as crawling. It means that your hyperlinks should be written in a format that the search engine bot could be able to read. In other words, going back to our initial point that search engines cannot recognize javascript. Therefore, you need to ensure that the menus you use are readable by the bots that search for them or include regular links to those pages that the search engine bot is able to search for.

The sitemap you provide does more than help your visitors in case they are lost, it also assists the search engine robot to locate the remaining pages on your site.

• Frames

There are websites that have been built that have scrollbars on the page. This isn't an engine-friendly design.
In the background, all that is left for the bot to look for is the links to pages used to make the pages that you see.

• Splash Pages

These are the first pages that appear on certain websites. They don't contain much information, typically a picture or an Flash introduction with a single hyperlink to the site. There's nothing on these pages to allow the search engine bot to analyze and include in the database of search engines.

If your website is user-friendly design and you are able to work in the direction of optimizing search engines for any content you are planning to add.

The process of creating a website that is SEO-friendly

On a basic level the definition of an SEO-friendly website is one that permits the search engine to browse and browse through the website. Making sure that a search engine is able to quickly crawl and comprehend your content is the primary step to ensure your website's visibility on search engine results pages. A search engine makes use of an internet crawler to accomplish this purpose and we're trying to cooperate with search engines instead of in opposition to them. However, there are numerous methods to create a site but not all methods are created with SEO in the mind.

Making a website that is SEO-friendly requires careful planning and a systematic strategy for presenting your business and the services that you provide. For many companies this is a bit of a hassle and it's not always easy to write down exactly what you offer.